2024 Interior Design Trends: Colours and Styles Leading the Way

With 2024 is upon us and, particularly across the Hobart interior design landscape, it is already teeming with vibrant colours, innovative styles, and transformative design trends that are set to define the spaces in which we live.

As we step into this new year of interior design, it’s a fantastic opportunity to explore and celebrate the trends that are shaping our homes and spaces. 

From the warm embrace of nature to the bold statements of colour, each trend this year is a chapter in the story of our personal style but also comfort. 

Our 2024 interior design trends more than just a look into the future of design; it's a journey towards creating spaces that resonate with our hearts and souls.

Our top 2024 interior design trends include:

  • Curves and Texture

  • Rustic Interior Design

  • Bold and Moody Colours

  • Sustainable Materials

  • Vintage Vibes

  • Minimalism 

  • Textures and Patterns and

  • Tech in Design

Curves and Texture: A Harmonious Blend

We feel that these two elements can help introduce a harmonious blend of tactile experiences and visual fluidity to interior spaces. 

This approach celebrates the softness of curved lines but, combined with the richness of varied textures, creates environments that are both aesthetically pleasing and sensory-rich.

Embracing Curves

Furniture and decor featuring smooth, rounded edges offer a gentle, organic feel, breaking away from the rigidity of straight lines.

Rich Textures

A mix of materials like plush fabrics, woven accents, and natural wood grains adds depth and interest to spaces, inviting touch and exploration.

This design philosophy goes beyond mere visual appeal - it's about creating spaces that engage the senses and evoke comfort. 

Overall, curves and texture together foster a sense of calm and warmth, making rooms feel more welcoming and lived-in. 

In a world that often feels sharp and chaotic, this trend offers a soothing retreat, a place where the eye and the hand find delight in the gentle contours and the intricate details of our surroundings.

Rustic Interior Design: Embracing Natural Beauty

Rustic interior design is also tipped to be a popular trend in 2024.

The rustic trend offers a harmonious blend of comfort and authenticity, capturing the essence of raw, unspoiled nature within the home. 

It's a style that celebrates the beauty of imperfection and the timelessness of handmade craftsmanship. Some examples of rustic interior design ideas include:

Organic Textures and Earthy Tones: Central to rustic design, these elements bring warmth and authenticity, creating a cosy, inviting atmosphere.

Unrefined Materials: The use of wood, stone, burlap, and wrought iron, often in their most natural and unpolished forms, highlights the beauty of imperfection.

Handmade Quality: Furniture and decor often showcase craftsmanship, with a focus on durability and the unique charm of handmade items.

Connection to Nature: Rustic design draws inspiration from the outdoors, aiming to create a serene and timeless space that resonates with the simplicity of natural living.

Vintage Accents: Incorporating vintage pieces adds character and depth, celebrating the storied past of each item and the overall space.

Embodying a sense of warmth and nostalgia, rustic interior design is more than a style; it's a return to roots, a celebration of the natural and the enduring. 

It's an invitation to embrace a slower, more thoughtful way of living, surrounded by materials and designs that tell their own unique stories.

Looking to for a way to introduce rustic tones into your next interior design Hobart project? Get in touch with The Styling Collective.

A Palette of Depth: Bold and Moody Colours

2024 also marks a bold shift in interior design, embracing the depth and intensity of dark, moody colours. 

This year, the design world looks to move away from those understated tones, welcoming a level of sophistication and richness of deeper hues. Some ideas include:

Embracing Dark Tones: A significant move towards soulful greens, deep blues, and rich terra-cottas.

Beyond Wall Paint: This colour revolution extends to furniture, art pieces, and accessories, impacting the entire decor spectrum.

Personal Expression: Each colour choice becomes a means of self-expression, transforming spaces into personal sanctuaries.

The narrative of interior design Hobart is not just about adding colour; it's also about adding character and depth. 

The use of bold and moody colours really helps transcends traditional decoration, weaving tales of mystery and elegance. These hues are not just visually striking; they quite often resonate with our inner selves and offer a more profound and deeper connection to the spaces we inhabit.

Imagine a living room where a deep blue sofa becomes the focal point, or a bedroom where terra-cotta accents bring warmth and earthiness. 

These colours have the power to transform any space into a dynamic, intimately personal haven. In 2024, choosing a colour is not just a design decision; it's a step towards creating a home that reflects our deepest styles and characters.  

Eco Design and Sustainable Materials

In 2024, sustainability transforms from a buzzword into a core principle of interior design. 

Particularly at The Styling Collective, we’re embracing eco-friendly materials and practices, making conscious choices that benefit our planet.

Recycled fabrics and reclaimed wood are not just environmentally sound choices; they bring unique stories and character to our living spaces.

Eco-Friendly Materials: Emphasis on recycled fabrics and reclaimed wood, bringing unique stories and character.

Beyond Materials: Incorporation of non-toxic paints and energy-efficient lighting, broadening the scope of eco-conscious decisions.

Stylish Sustainability: Bamboo flooring and organic cotton linens blend aesthetic appeal with environmental responsibility.

This year, sustainable design is about more than just aesthetics; it's a commitment to environmental responsibility. 

Every choice, whether it's upcycling furniture or choosing long-lasting quality pieces, reflects a deeper understanding of our impact on the world. In embracing sustainability, we're not just designing homes; we're shaping a more mindful and responsible approach to living.